

For Allen

My favorite memory will be picking blackberries with you
on the way to Boyle's swimming hole.
The path was well lit and sunny and dusty
like I remembered.
There were no cattails but the reeds were as high as our heads.
Blackberry thorns pricked on both sides.
Ripe fruit was scarce but
I reached into the briars
risking skin and limb because blackberries
are your favorite
and I would do anything for you.


Inheritance 2

If they needed further evidence that our lives matter
they could find it each year at Camp
where I watch Black children of every hue
simply live their joy
seeds expanding into unending potential
kissed by the sun

To know that my son will find refuge
in this place every second week in August
as did I and his grandfather before him
fills me with relief

It is an inheritance of the most precious kind
A place we will always belong



It is possible that there are
cliffs like these in other places but
I refuse to believe they are as beautiful.
That anywhere else the sky forms
a more elegant tapestry.
That those other waves crash as symphonically
against such perfectly carved rocks.
That the song the sea foam sings on other shores
is as sweet as the lullaby I hear right now.


The Show

You can pay $18.50 for a ticket to the planetarium 
or you can sit in a field unpolluted by lights 
during the Perseid meteor shower.  

The crickets will narrate 
instead of Morgan Freeman.
The temperature in the theater 
is subject to change without notice
and since the footage is unedited 
your patience is required. 

Still, you can be quite certain 
that the universe extends beyond the ceiling
that the infinity of stars are twinkling in real time and 
that the one you just watched has not already 
been used up on some other person's wish.